What is the meaning of a DBS Check


Businesses that are looking at taking on new workers or volunteers or even reconsidering existing staff members and individuals, might choose to carry out a background check on certain individuals for a number of reasons that might relate to company protection. A number of companies or individuals are more interested in a criminal records bureau (nowadays more commonly known as the DBS – Disclosure and Barring Service) check than others.

The criminal records bureau check itself, aims attention on the criminal record of a person or persons and allows the curious client to have knowledge of any crimes that the subject of the inspection has been convicted of, such as any serious crimes involving murder, rape or robbery. This is due to the fact that it is commonly believed that if anyone has been a convicted criminal that there’s quite some chance of doing it again and thus put into peril anyone around them.

Usually Run by Employers

Although individuals can carry out a criminal records bureau check on people, such as a landlord wishing to check into a potential tenant, criminal records bureau checks and DBS tracking are mostly performed out by employers on potential employees. Some employers are even required by law to do a criminal records bureau check, and that is certainly the case for any employees who wish to work with children and elderly or disabled persons. Employers are required to check out any criminal records for child abuse and child abduction.

When a DBS check is not deemed necessary by law, employers might choose to conduct one for their own interests anyway. If a company is hiring an employee, they will be liable for the employee’s actions, so when a company makes an unfortunate hiring choice, it might work out costly in a number of ways. Not only will an unsatisfactory decision create financial woes by requiring a payout in the form of a lawsuit or losing funds to deceitful activities, but a business can also be damaged by having a bad reputation.

Solutions and Options

For anyone who is looking to carry out a criminal records bureau check on somebody, they will have various numbers of options. Private investigators are quite often used for someone or small businesses wishing to perform a criminal background check on a certain person and for medium to large size companies that require multiple DBS checks, there are professional companies that specialise in employment screening.

In addition, anybody who wishes to conduct a DBS check on anybody can easily do so through an online data broker. But employers will have to be somewhat cautious when conducting DBS checks on the internet and any data which is given out to the general public by web-based information brokers might not be so accurate or updated. This is where a renowned and trustworthy company comes into play.

If you want to ensure that you’re getting the right kind of information, try using a company that has the expertise in identity data intelligence and one you can confide in.