Five ways that manufacturing companies can market themselves


If you’re a manufacturing business looking to attract new audiences and grab more market share, marketing your brand is an effective strategy to achieve this. Here are five marketing avenues to consider.
1. Make use of social media

Advertising your services is one of the most useful ways to gain attention, and there are lots of options to choose from.
With the rise of digital advertising, it makes sense to explore social media to increase awareness of your brand. Create pages on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube or Twitter, and you’ll soon attract a healthy following. According to Forbes brands who engage on social media channels enjoy higher loyalty from their customers.

2. Start a PR campaign
Marketing is an ongoing process, so continually think of ways to get your name heard. If you’ve released a new product, such as a metal bonding adhesive, or earned an industry award, don’t keep it to yourself. Create a PR campaign and get your news included in the latest, relevant publications.
3. Sponsor an event

If an industry event is on the cards, why not sponsor it? This makes for a great opportunity to showcase your offering, such as metal bonding adhesive, and gain trust and respect from consumers. Only sponsor those manufacturing events related to your brand in some way, if you want to gain the most benefit. As well as sponsoring location-specific events, consider webinar events, too.
4. Earn yourself awards

Find out what industry award events are occurring and enter as many relevant categories as possible. Winning an award can boost your profile and makes for great publicity – just don’t forget to add your achievements to your website and all of your marketing literature! If there’s nothing going on in your industry, why not create your own awards competition?
5. Business cards
The humble business card still earns a vital place in marketing, so next time you’re out and about networking, don’t forget to distribute these to interested parties. A business card can say a lot about you, so make sure yours is well designed and printed on good quality materials. Always include your business name, logo and slogan, and don’t forget to include your contact details. Many forward-thinking companies include QR codes now on business cards for easy scanning of your details, so bear this option in mind.